KS magazine

KS magazine

KS magazine – 20 years online!

Intuition, The Biointernet, Remote Viewing, Human Light System, Lucid Dreaming, Intuitive Information Sight, Love, Expedition, Game, Play, Feel, Sense, History, Stock, Human Resources, Experiment, Bioelectrography, Gas Discharge Visualisation, Electrophotonics Imaging, Kirlian Effect, GDVCAMERA, GDV Sputnik, Prognosis, Clairvoyance, Bio-Well, Casino, Science, Quality of Life, Meditation, Market Cap, My Hourglass Collection, Charts, Satoshi Cycle, Research, Precognition, Reiki, Cosmos, BEZ, Meta-modeling, Human Resources, Metabolism, Time and Space, Art, Museums, Practical Philosophy, Translighters, Telepathy, Teleportation, Intuition Development, Beauty, Water and more

KS magazine – 20 years online!


About Korotkov Subscriber

Korotkov Subscriber – email Event


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Korotkov Subscriber


2015 – present days – Korotkov Subscriber / e-mail Event, Science news, links, community, digest, workshops-webinars, online games

2012– present days – The Biointernet Series, eBooks pre-Press

2010 – present days – IUMAB Review / PDF digest

2006 – 2009 – IUMAB News / e-mail news, links, community, Science digest

1998 – 2005 – Korrect News / e-mail digest, news

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Annual Digest

Established by Professor Pavel Bundzen and Kirill Korotkov in 1998

The International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography publishes the IUMAB Review one time per year, and is free to all Regular Members. It contains original articles, news and book reviews. Current and past editions of IUMAB Review are ready for download as PDF files for IUMAB Regular Members.

The Biointernet Series

Download The Biointernet Series on Dr. Korotkov website, IUMAB website, Amazon, etc