Online Courses

GDV/EPI Bio-Well

Bio-Well Application

Bio-Well Application – online training inside Human Light System Online Course online course for GDV/EPI Bio-Well users 2018, March – May 1-2 times per week With Hesham Sami, Kirill Korotkov, Sergey Avdeev, Alexander Dvoryanchikov, Martina Hruba and Oleg Bazhenov IUMAB certification Bio-Well Application online course Welcome! Mail to seminar at Main Topics of Bio-Well Application course: How

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Translighters Games

The Game from HLS Series Translighters Games on HLS 3.0 – 2018/2019 Seaon Science, Magic, Technologies Online Interactive the Biointernet Show with Kirill Korotkov, Sergey Avdeev and Friends Welcome to Translighters Games website!   Monday, 21.00 GMT+2, Prague’s Time Beta version / free Russian and English These are Games in Time, with Time and Timeless

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