HLS Course

HLS Course
HLS Course

HLS Course 2.0

Topics of the lectures and seminars:

Purpose of the Human Light System

● The role of the HLS in a person’s life, measuring the HLS, the basics of its evolution and development.

● Tools for restoration and harmonization of the HLS (comparing technologies with ideologies).

● Why don’t our wishes come true?

● Structures of the time of life (the basics of the theory of physical structures) – a new view of the world order.

● The basics of light interactions (how can one feel Living Light? The Light of Family, the Light of Knowledge, the Light of Love – different manifestations of the Living Light)

● Light development of the Body, Soul and Mind (Spiritualizing the Body and Mind, the Reasonable Soul and Body, Memory of the future and Mental Construction).

Restoration of Family ties

● Light Support of the Family.

● Light interactions with the Family in the past, present and future.

● Restoration of the Light connection with our soul.

● A person’s Mission on the Earth and his/her strategic tasks.

● True wishes and imposed wishes

● The feeling of the Way and the Guiding Star

● Creating the time of life for realization of True wishes

● Decreasing our biological age

Gaining benefits (“Good things”) and resources

● The field of events and the space of time.

● How to reduce the waste of the time of Life?

● Translighters BLAGA as a compass which leads us through the structure of time of gaining benefits.

● TECHNIQUES of Thanksgiving and virtual presents.

●Discovering our creative abilities.

● Light techniques of benefits construction. Keys to increasing the flow of benefits.

● Solving tasks with a help of our own Living Light.

● Increasing the level of mutual help and mutual support by means of Light techniques.

Restoring the structure of the living light of our body

● Connection of light fields with systems and organs of a human body. Normalization of systems of a human body.

● Light structure of the DNA.

● Dimensionality of the human liquid crystal.

● Increasing the dimensionality of light perception and the structure of the time of life for solving creative tasks.

● Using the simulation approach for tuning to the required structure of the task.

● Living homes and offices.

Creation of the Biointernet

● What can we do with a help of the HLS (informational trace, telepathy, intuitive sight)?

● Human light traces. Light crystals and bionets. Organizing the network reason.

● Creation of living organizations with horizontal light connections.

● What has caused the crisis of modern science?

● THE BIOINTERNET and THE NOOSPHERE – gaining new knowledge. Opening Light channels for receiving contact information from the BIOINTERNET.

Cosmos and cosmetics

● Restoration of light connections with the Cosmos.

● Harmonization of thoughts and systems of the human organism.

● Reversing the time structure and light rejuvenation of the organism.

● Adjustment of the human light tool to cosmic melodies of the eternity.

● The tools of improving the eyesight.

● Various modes of intuitive sight (analogue – eyeless vision –, X-ray – seeing the organs and systems of the organism, noctovision – seeing in the dark, etc.) as methods of using the HLS.

● Gaining information from visualisation of tasks.

● Construction of the light image of favourable future.

Realization of the potential of the Light of love

●. How can we find creative energy inside ourselves?

● New details related to the Energy and the Light of Love.

● How can a couple harmonize their exchange of light relationships?

● How can we attract a suitable partner using our Light?

● What is the Light of unconditioned Love and how to find it?

● How can one maintain the fire of passion in themselves and their partner?

● Trust and creativity – the foundation of harmonious relationships.

The foundation of Light relationships in the transfer and receiving the Light of Knowledge

● Awareness, Enlightenment, Illumination – the stages of Light Education.

●. The basics of the Light transmission of knowledge and creation of new qualities.

● How can we increase the level of our conceptuality and rationality?

● Developing the skills of science fiction and Light creativity.

● How can one become a Star person? Creation of the new Light of Knowledge and solving tasks.

● How can we learn to understand other people without words?

● Living knowledge and the life of the Knowledge.

GDV/EPI  Technologies by Dr. Korotkov

Overview of the Bio-Well applications

Rules of Korotkov’s images registration of fingers; Korotkov’s images technical defects; protocols with a subject; preparing for GDV/Bio-Well testing; the basis of calibration and practical training; the concept of four pillars of health in Bio-Well analysis; overview of the Bio-Well programs; circadian rhythm of life; making corrections: what we can do to help our patients; different types of Korotkov’s images; defects on the bio-grams; Bio-gram symptoms in different sectors; monitoring energy reactions; functional Bio-Well tests.

In-depth GDV analysis; environmental scan with the GDV Sputnik; meditation mode; testing water with the Water Electrode; techniques to obtain the best data; parameters of Korotkov’s images used for the analysis; statistical analysis with Bio-Well programs; scientific foundations of GDV Bioelectrography.

Advanced training in GDV/EPI technique

II degree

  1. Main principles of understanding Bio-Well information: 4 Pillars of the Bio-Well.
  2. Two approaches to the processing of GDV-grams of fingers: parametric and sector analysis.
  3. Main parameters of GDV-grams:
    • geometrical parameters;
    • spectral parameters (notion of brightness spectrum and its connection with the wave spectrum);
    • fractal-entropy parameters (notion of fractality and entropy)
    • Brief discussion of all parameters.
  4. Sector analysis according to the finger analysis tables of Mandel-Korotkov.
  5. Discussion of examples – all the workshop is presented with clinical examples of different situations, which allow to understand the principles of the Bio-Well analysis. 
  6. Difference between EPI-grams of healthy and unhealthy people. Statistical data. Evaluation of general state of health from the Energy Reserve diagram.
  7. Dynamic GDV-graphy. One finger program. Time curves. Dispersion of data. Spectral analysis. Main frequencies. Dependence on the speed of GDV recording. Technical restrictions on computer memory.
  8. Right-left correlations, Balance program – presentation of simpatic – parasimpatic balance.
  9. Application of plastic filters for the division of activity of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system by analogy with taking GDV-grams of fingers in a thin glove. Application of optical filters by the example of research on the EPI-graphy of microbiological cultures. Recording of test-subject with a plastic filter.
  10. Dependence of GDV-grams on the emotional state. Stress-Anxiety index. Physical and mental field.
  11. Stability and reproducibility of GDV-graphy. Stability of GDV-grams of test-subject. Stability of Chakras program. Second recording of EPI-images of healthy and unhealthy people. Reproducibility of data and biological rhythms. Influence of external conditions.
  12. Sputnik measurements and data processing.
  13. GDV therapy – BioCor.
  14. Literature and publications on GDV.
  15. International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography (IUMAB).
  16. Development of GDV technique in different countries of the world.
  17. Perspectives of GDV technique development.
  18. Business development of the BIO-Well.


  1. EPI in medicine. Express analysis of functional energy homeostasis of systems and organs. Monitoring of the state of patient and individual reaction to the influence. Fundamental correlates with ECG, EEG, physiological parameters. Investigation of surgical patients in the Medical Academy. Correlation between EPI and classical measurements.
  2. EPI in the Consciousness study. Complex bioelectrographic analysis of the Altered States of Consciousness (ASC) basing on works by P. Bundzen – K. Korotkov. Technique of testing extrasensory capabilities. Results of experiments on meditation and prayers.
  3. EPI in Sport. Methods of testing psychophysiological potential of sportsmen. Correlation of EPI parameters with psychological, physiological, and genetic indicators basing on works by P. Bundzen, K. Korotkov, Drozdovski. Group rating and its peculiarities. Advantages of the EPI application in sport.
  4. Water revolution – new science of water and foundation of homeopathy. EPI parameters of water and materials, their difference from physico-chemical characteristics. “Energetics of poison”. Methods of measurement. EPI Material Testing Kit. Water electrodes. Reproducibility of data, dynamic curves. Dependence of EPI parameters on electro conductivity. Examples of EPI-grams of liquids, measurements errors. Entropy and fractality. Water and its peculiarities. Homeopathy. Blood. EPI-graphy of natural and synthetic oils. EPI-grams of precious stones and food stuffs.