IUMAB Memberships Pro
IUMAB Memberships Pro
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and more for IUMAB Members
The Biointernet (Intuitive) Marketing
The Biointernet Marketing – Intuitive Marketing with The Biointernet Technologies
- Custom Technologies
- Intuitive Marketing Devices
- Intuitive Business Training
- Contemporary Sales Technologies
- Dynamic Vision Board
- The Biointernet advertising technologies
- The Biointernet Network
- Intuitive Information Sight and Intuitive Marketing
Healing (Structured) Digital Photography by Oleg Bazhenov
The course is designed for those who believe in the magic of the impact of photography. Those who believe that one can change themselves and the world around them with a help of photography, make the world richer, brighter, more interesting and beautiful.
Beauty is a kind of unique and extremely rich information which has many levels of perception and impact on the viewer. This kind of information has is sophisticated structure.
The ability to see, feel, understand this structure, to form it and enrich it with your own feeling and inner energy – this is the key to creation of healing photography.
During the course you will learn a new unique approach to photography. It does not matter what you are holding in your hands – a reflex camera or a mobile phone.
We will learn to enter a special mode of perceiving and forming the reality. We will use unique methods and techniques in our work, such as Translighters technologies, Intuitive Information Sight technologies, etc. We will learn to form different information structures by means of creating visual images and using them to influence the events of our life, our mood, state and health.
Translighters Technologies by Dr. Sergey Avdeev
All seminars are dynamic, there are many exercises which require the participants to move a lot. Different kinds of the Translighters are used as intensifying tools. The theoretical foundation for all topics and practices is provided by the Theory of Physical Structures.
Intuitive Information Sight Technologies
- How to See without using eyes – special online training
- Telepathy
- Precognition
- Intuition Development
- Lucid Dreaming
- The Biointernet Equipment and Intuitive Information Sight Technologies
How to See without eyes – special online training
What exactly would you like to see without eyes?
Why do you want to see without eyes?
What will you do, once you have received this visual information?
If you have given yourself the answers to these questions, welcome to our trainings!
Expert Operator System
The scientific-intellectual work called Expert-Operator System (EOS) is the development of a universal model of development – Leader-Follow Model – for practical use. These were discoveries of the 1970s and 1990s in the Soviet Union by Dr. Boris Zolotov, and they were born in a young discipline, cybernetics.
Biocomunication of living systems
Leader Follow
Historically, people are given the knowledge that they really need, and we are waiting for them to give us knowledge, how to live further, and we dream that we will live well. Maybe this knowledge is, and the person himself is obtained during life.
How does a person receive this knowledge, how does he learn, through what stages passes? What are the points of catastrophes, uncertainties? Where do you lose yourself, where do you find it?
This is all simply understood if we consider a naive, in a mathematical sense, simplistic, but accurate zero-level model-the learning model: when some quality, knowledge, skill is at one object, and the other does not, then how it can be transmitted, How is the process going? What modes, forces, what kind of interaction occurs, what fields exist, changes?
When you understand this, then you understand why we say when someone wanted to develop some kind of development model, then as a rule he was wrong. He wanted to develop a universal trajectory with one law of transformation, not realizing that there can not be one law of transformation on the trajectory, that is, development is booming in a two-object system: the external world and man, society and man, man and other person, man in general and his personal self, a person outside and inside.
It is a dualism, dual world in which there are boundaries between two objects. Through this border, something penetrates and remains in the other, but from that other it also seems to be and does not go away. How does this go and not go away? This is easy to understand if you realize that this is a projection type transmission. Time: the flashlight shines and what was here, projected on. And if there is a photoemulsion layer – or the ability to memorize, ie, a structure that can be transformed and memorized, then everything is in order, then the learning ability happens.
Main elements:
- the source of the message (the sender)
- the message (a word, a phrase, an image, an emotion, an feeling, an intention, etc.)
- the listener (the receiver)
The language issue
Using the thoughts of other people
Psychokinesis (telekinesis) is the ability of a person to influence things (material objects) without a physical contact with them.
The essence of a person’s ability to control their body and to make a sequence of purposeful actions is psychokinetic.
Influence on inanimate objects
Local realism
The issue of the spectator
Formalization of the concept of the spectator and the physical reality
Intuition Development
Isolated, closed and opened living systems
Interactions between living systems
The time factor
Lucid Dreaming
Lucid dreams are “dreams by request”
Solving psychological, creative, social problems and questions during sleep
Skills of self-control during sleep, as well as control over the surroundings.
How can we understand that this is reality rather than a dream?
The Biointernet Equipment and Intuitive Information Sight Technologies
Telepathy and the Eureka
Lucid Dreaming and the Biointernet mask
Seeing without eyes and the Biointernet mask
Low and Superlow Fields and Human Health
- Low and Superlow Fields and Radiation in Biology and Medicine
- Low and Superlow Devices for Health Care
- Healing Trainings with Low and Superlow devices
- Tesla Devices (soon available)
Human Design System
- Basic principals of Human Design System
- Human Design and Human Light Body
- The Biointernet and 4 types in Human Design
- A holistic view of the world All living beings are part of a single holistic field and therefore all of us continually interact with each other and the world around us. We are not separate but are part of the whole. We are connected to the whole by tiny particles called neutrinos and we are connected to the other by aura, the invisible energy field that surrounds each of us.If we see ourselves as separate from our environment and those around us, it is easy to assume that the way we interact and communicate is something that we can control or that can happen or not, according to our will. That every decision we make is up to us and is made independently from our environment. This is not the case.
- Uniqueness We are each part of the whole, but we are also unique. We each bring our own brand of uniqueness to the other and the world around us. This is our gift to the whole. Being different from the other, we bring something new into the world.When we are simply part of the homogenized world, we do this in order to fit in. Our true nature does not get to express itself and this can make our life very painful and uncomfortable. This also inevitably leads to all kinds of wrong decisions. We need to acknowledge that we all have different requirements and needs. To understand your own unique nature is the first step towards self love and fulfillment.
- Neutrinos Human Design uses your birth data to calculate your rave chart, also known as your Bodygraph. This is based on the science of Neutrinos, tiny particles that carry mass and information and which determine your unique imprinting.We live in a dense neutrino ocean with trillions of neutrinos originating from the stars in our solar system. They pass through everything leaving an imprint of information wherever they travel.
- The Synthesis The Human Design System is a synthesis of two streams of science, traditional and modern. The traditional Sciences: Astrology, the Chakra system, the Kabbalah and most importantly, the I’Ching, the Book of Changes – these are the traditional elements in the synthesis that is Human Design.Combined with the modern science of reading the genetic code, this offers you a profound insight into how you are designed to navigate the material world.

GDV Bio-Well Course
GDV Bio-Well Course
with Kirill Korotkov, Konstantin Korotkov, Alexander Dvoryanchikov, Dieter Zenke, Karen O’Dell, Hesham Sami, Dmitry Orlov, Thornton Streeter, Boris Petrovic and Krishna Madappa
19 Lectures from the best GDV specialists all over the World!
More than 30 hours of Bioelectrography Learning!
Human Light System Online course