The Biointernet Mask Models

The Biointernet Mask Models

The Biointernet Masks

Equipment for Creativity, Meditation, Relaxation and more

The Biointernet Masks application

  • Sleep mask
  • Devices for Yoga, Meditation, Lucid Dreaming, Intuitive Information Sight, Remote Viewing, Teleportation, Materialization and other the Biointernet modes (Practices)

The Biointernet Masks technologies

  • Translighters technologies by Dr. Sergey Avdeev and Kirill Korotkov
  • Intuitive Information Sight technologies by Dr. Boris Zolotov, BEZ

The Biointernet Mask Models

The Biointernet Mask Classic

The Biointernet Mask Classic is a sleeping mask with systemic adapters Translighters, BLAGA devices, which stimulate, through quantum physics, the parts of the brain, responsible for vision, intuition and creativity


Equipment for Creativity and Relaxation. Device for Yoga, Lucid Dreaming, Remote Viewing, Intuitive Information Sight, Meditation, Telepathy, Materialization and for other The Biointernet Practices

The Biointernet Mask Infinity

Infinity Mask – Powerful the Biointernet Mask The Biointernet Mask


Infinity Mask – Powerful the Biointernet Mask

Infinity Mask – Equipment for Trainings and Practices

The Biointernet Sleep Mask

The Night Dream Biointernet mask


The Biointernet Seep mask

Night Dream sleep version of the Biointernet Mask

Download Night Dream Digital Now

Gold Mask

activates internal reserves of your body, giving them wherever you want


The headband system adapter Eureka tailors the system of human knowledge to other knowledge systems. Eureka helps to construct new knowledge, creating conditions for striking effect.

Translighters Glasses Stickers

Curative effects of Glasses Stickers


Magic package:

The Biointernet Mask
Mirror of Joy
Potential of Love
Intention Card

The Biointernet Mask Models
The Biointernet Mask Models

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About The Biointernet Mask

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